Installing FFMPEG & Rendering

Downloading FFMPEG and setting it up for CC is pretty easy.

This is only required if you want to render out the SSM pictures. You can still do SSM paths and whatnot, you just need FFMPEG to render them out.

1: Download this:

2: Extract it, and rename the folder inside it "ffmpeg-20181114-1096614-win64-static" to "ffmpeg".

3: Put this new "ffmpeg" folder into CreatorsCamera/pictures.

The final file path should look something like creators camera/pictures/ffmpeg/bin/ffmpeg.exe, if you want to confirm you installed it correctly.

When you want to render out a video, copy the pictures from whatever folder you want in the "pictures" directory, and paste them in the "renderme" folder. Then run one of the scripts in the main folder "aRender 1920x1080 etc." and it'll render the video out into the renders folder.

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